Sunday, March 25, 2012

Does Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Work?

My personal experience with 6 sessions of ultrasonic fat cavitation, called "the non invasive liposuction".

It didn't do anything for me, personally. I had the sessions and exercised afterwards, drank lots of water and didn't overeat or eat junk. I'd say it has potential for noticeable results if you have a SMALL amount of fat in the area, but not a large amount like I have on my abdomen. Also I wonder about the safety of a prolonged ultrasound in that area (over the ovaries as well). They say the frequency only targets fat cells but I never fully trust these things. I might try it again in the future when I only have a smaller amount of fat left that exercise won't target.


  1. Thank you for your comments, I am looking to buy a cavitation machine for my salon but I am not very sure if it is worthy or not. Thank you very much for you comments. And good luck with your diet!

    1. I purchased a fat cavitation machine off e-bay a few months ago. I use it about 3 days a week on my abdomen (when not on my menstrual cycle) and I have seen little fat loss. I weigh and measure myself before each treatment(a total of 4 sessions). Each session is 15 minutes long. 1st session on 5 (highest setting) until it starts getting too hot and stings my skin (feels like little electrical shocks), then I pause it and turn it down to 4. Next 3 15 min sessions I put it on setting 3. I make sure to have sufficient lubrication. I have noted about 2 cm fat loss from March 2013 to May 2013. I notice that my abdomen is more squishy and floppy after my treatment. I am a bit disappointed but I hope to see more results in the future. I will continue to use the fat cavitation (fast slimming machine as it is called) until I either get results or I die of some side effect unknown to us yet.

    2. what machine did you buy? Because the ebay machines are probably Chinese brands. My friend is using a machine which is more than 30000 euro and after the first session average a 2-6 cm loss !!! i am thinking to buy a very good machine NO CHINESE as the results a very little or none ;(

  2. I am not really sure about that but I heard coolsculpting procedure is very effective. I suggest you try that one.

  3. Hey,

    Regarding IPL (you mentioned it in your video). If you want permanent hair reduction you're MUCH better off going to somewhere that uses a medical grade laser, rather than just a salon grade IPL (which is technically not a laser at all). I tried IPL for about 6 or so months on my underarms (and hoohah ;p ) to see pretty much no difference whatsoever. Then I went to a place that used a medical grade laser and saw a huge difference in 1 single treatment. After something like 5 or 6 treatments I was completely hair free (I really do mean COMPLETELY) and have remained that way for 3 or 4 years now. It's more expensive for each treatment, but you only need a couple to see a massive reduction so overall it works out way cheaper. Would thoroughly recommend clear skin clinics ( ). I went to the one in South Brisbane and they were fantastic. It's $70 for 5 mins which I know sounds like a lot, but they are also quick and in 5 mins she did both my underarms and my whole hoohah (including the perineum and all the way back there... ;p ).
    Clinics need specific training (I think you may even have to be a cosmetic nurse or doctor but don't quote me on that).
    The big problem is that lots of salons falsely advertise their IPL treatments as laser hair reduction, which if course it's not. So you just have to check with them exactly what it is and what machine they are using - then do a bit of research before you book in to avoid disappointment. It's still personal preference of course but if you seriously thinking about hair reduction and especially if you have tried IPL to no avail, give medical grade laser a whirl instead. One of the best decisions I ever made!

    1. where abouts in brisbane did you go?

  4. Hmmmmm... I went to Victorian Skin and Laser Clinic, it says "At the Victorian Laser and Skin Clinic we only use the Candela Gentlelase medical grade lasers which offer the most efficient laser treatment available." ...wonder if it's the same? After 1 treatment, basically all the hair was gone, but then it grew back fully after about 1-2 months. Same thing happened each time. So after about 6 treatments, my hair has now grown back to how it always was...

  5. Jennifer, talk to Bita or Gita at the
    I think you didnt go often enough - you have to get treatments at least every 6-8 weeks and it can take 8 -10 CONSISTENT sessions to reduce the hair entirely....PLUS there is a better machine than Candela now called YAG. TRY IT!! Cheers!

    1. I wouldn't spend any more money on laser hair removal, not after I have no permanent results and how expensive it is. Cant afford it!

    2. True..... i agree... i had it done for at least 8-10 sessions and it is now mostly growing back, although slightly better than before, but i dont think it is worth so much money and effort.

    3. I loved when I got the hair removal. I did 8 sessions and the last session was back in January 2013. I was the type that if I shaved in the morning by the evening there would be annoying stubble. There is no such thing as permanent hair removal, but reduction yes. I shave once every two weeks and that makes me happy. I bought a voucher for unlimited hair removal for one year (ended up buying 2 voucher to do full legs and under arms)each voucher was $198 and I tipped every treatment. But over all I had a great experience and I will go for the one year touch up.

  6. Thanx, Jenn. I was just about to buy a coupon for 3 sessions of cavitation. Now after hearing your experience I will use my money for something wiser. No pain no gain, still the same.

    1. I am going to try it again, 10 sessions this time, and exercise directly after each session and drink loads of water and see if that makes a difference. Going through a coupon site again.

  7. As a scientist, personal trainer and athlete, I don't believe in fat cavitation, but, the way in which you measured your results is flaw (no offence). Fat cavitation, as it 'explains', is about the loss of fat. You only measured you waist line as I understood from your video, which doesn't indicate a loss of fat. It is a type of indicator, but what you want to be measuring is your body fat percentage. Bloating is not an indicator of fat, that is in regards to the size of your stomach itself, and saying that you bloat a certain amount, will influence waist measurements. You quite possibly could have lost fat, but the measurements that you took, are not indicators of the amount of fat you have. Does this make sense? I'm sorry if it's a little messy in terms of explaining. In a bit of a rush.

    With all of what I did say though, I too don't believe that fat cavitation works, and would never recommend it to a client, UNLESS, I wanted to use it for a placebo affect and to motivate them more with their training. If they think they're getting results (even if they're not), from something like this while they're also training, then it's a good motivator for them to continue training hard.

    1. It works a little bit, but I don't think people will be able to see the results unless they have pretty minimal pocket of fat in the area they're cavitating. It made my belly very floppy and bizarre feeling after the session, I could definitely feel it was doing something, but it didn't do enough, and I didn't exercise much during that time, so I'm going to try it again.

    2. Hi Jennifer thanks for your video, very helpful. Have you tried a natropath to help with your bloating? I had huge success going to one, she changed my diet completely. I am not allergic to any foods just now I listen to my body and it tells me what foods are best for me. Weigh loss was a huge added bonus! I would save your money on gymics and start with diet and exercise. Good luck :-)

  8. Just remember there are always cheaper versions of these machines that DO NOT work as well. It's the old get what you pay for!! Most of those coupons are using inferior machines from China that do not do as they should.
    Fat cavitation WORKS, on people who only have small areas of 'stubborn' fat areas, who are excercising & trying to loose weight, it is not an easy option for people who are over weight & trying to get a quick fix.

    1. It wasn't an inferior machine, I researched the place I went to before I bought the coupon.
      I have a lot of abdominal fat, so it didn't do much to my abdomen.

  9. hey guys im a beauty addict and have tried everythign under the sun, and i must say i am addicted to the fat cavitation especially after having my first born and going from a size 6 to a size 12 was like death to me. Ive been going for a while to in melbourne they use a fat cavitaion machine thats made in qland so its aussie made medical grade qeipment which is fda and tga approved i lost 5cm from my first session and I am back to my size 6 waist, obviously eating healthy, I dont have time for excerise with my bub. good luck with yoru venture.

  10. You describe precisely your own mistakes and the reasons it hasn't worked are obvious, why you gets no choosing a group-buying super discounted session means you are buying only a quick sales demonstration! Also if a salon is doing cheapo promotions like this, then they probably have a cheap weak machine and no training. You should try a professional salon, we use Xaviour Ultrasonic Cavitation Systems.

    Cavitation is proven to work on 'spot reduction'. Many people I know have great success using ultrasound cavitation removing fat from problem areas like arms or but, however it is not for over-all weight loss. This girl looks like she has a layer of fat all over her and should really just get off the hamburgers and go for a walk each day.

    1. Really??! Anonymous?? You have the gall to make fun of someone on their own blog where they are trying to help others (like yourself), but yet you are too ashamed to put your real name or any sort of identifying factor? Typical! How about you either say something nice that is a contributing comment, or don't say anything at all!! Exactly what is wrong with this world today!! Oh, and obviously she doesn't need to get off the hamburgers and go for a walk each day... she's trying to do something about her weight! If you'd pay a slight bit of attention, you'd know that!!

  11. Hi,

    The lady I went to for most of my sessions was very professional and had top of the line fat cavitation equipment. It wasn't demonstrational - it was an hour and a half of cavitation of my abdomen per session. After all that, apparently I had 1 cm loss so it wasn't worth it. But I am doing it again (TEN sessions this time) and I'm going to drink a lot of water before/after and exercise after every session.

    I am overweight, but my abdomen is always severely disproportionate to the point that people asked me if I was pregnant when I was 14 and a size EIGHT in Levi's jeans! No amount of diet, exercise or weight loss gives me a flat stomach. It doesn't matter if I'm fat or thin, I have a huge pot belly. It runs in my family. So it's either try things like fat cavitation or bite the bullet and get liposuction to achieve normal proportions.

    Also I don't know why you're addressing me, then in the second paragraph calling me "that girl" as if you're talking to no one. Also I don't eat "burgers" other than Linda Mccartney burgers that I make at home, and I exercise at least an hour a day unless I am sick or something. So making assumptions like that makes you seem pretty ignorant.

    1. Hi Jennifer, have you had your hormones tested? Abdominal fat can be linked to your hormones being out of whack. Have a look on this website. Never know it may help

  12. And I mean a size 8 in Australian, not american. That's like a size 4 American.

  13. Quick fixes generally don't provide a permanent solution.

    1. this machine are making the fatt cells ¨dead¨so this process is permanent .But..if you start eating unhealthy NEW fatt cells are developing.

  14. Hi, I have had fat cavitation, and i lost 39cm in 6 sessions from my stomach. I also have friends that have lost over 50cm in less sessions. If you search Younger You on facebook, they are the people i went to. Take a look at their photos. They are fantastic. And i am in the process of setting up myself with a machine so i can help others.

    1. Do you know the name of the machine they use?

  15. My aunt felt insecure about her wrinkles and got wrinkle fillers in perth. She's responsible enough to take care of herself and to know when to stop. I hope that you are too. Best of luck

  16. Well I just had my two week diet plans and I can see how it affects my weight monitoring. Maybe fat cavitation is also a good idea if you're really serious in losing weight.

  17. I think you really need to try it again....But you have to stay away from caffeine, sugar, soda, smoking 24-48 hrs..drink about a gallon of water the day of and for the following 3 days after the treatment...walking 20-30 minutes the day of the treatment or any physical activity so your Lymph nodes will drain properly.If you get one of these done and you don't follow the after care it's not going to work...It's like going to the Gym and doing cardio, would you go to McDonalds and eat a Big Mac and Large fries after...and think the Gym's not working for me.

    1. Hi, I did try it again, 10 sessions, and also lost a bit of weight at the same time as doing it, drank loads of water and ate healthy (and this girl told me to avoid eating at all after each session so I didn't) and still got absolutely no results. She said it just doesnt work for some people, guess I am one of them.

      They never told me to do anything as post-care, other than this girl telling me not to eat afterwards (because I asked if I should or not).

  18. Hi Jennifer!
    Thanks for this review it was very helpful. I'm wondering if you've heard of, or tried the Paleo diet? It's the most definite way to lose belly fat that I've found, and still allows you to eat large portions as long as you exercise and stick to the diet. You can look up "" his website is very informative, and there are also fun recipes on there which are very helpful.

    Good luck!

  19. Hello to all, I have been reading the great blogs of experiences on "byebyebellyblog" and found them all to be greatly assistive.
    As the co-owner of The Eurobody Laser & Cosmetic Clinic in Brisbane, we embarked on a mission to find the best clinical graded machine for the "Ultrasound Fat Cavitation" process. We searched and trialed machines for 18 months before we purchased one and proceeded on treatments in the Clinic.

    We bought the German made, Beautytek, Avita Plus and it has proven to be everything we had hoped for.

    Realistic results occurred and doubled in cm loss when we followed each treatment with a 2nd treatment which further burnt an excess of 800 calories over the following 40 minutes.

    The sad thing in this industry that salons or promoters of this fat loss technology may be using Chinese copy machines, with inappropriate ultrasound wave length, and most of all a totally invaluable and inadequate HZ of the machine....

    The Eurobody Laser & Cosmetic Clinic offers a free first consultation, extremely accurate measuring before and after procedure, we offer post care, and find that a very sensible diet plan, water intake, and exercise program has to accompany this fat reduction regime.

    We have reduced waistlines by up to 60 cms over many many months of treatments on clients suffering from excess fat tissue in that area -
    (I strongly avoid the word obese, as I think its an awful term, and carrying around extra fat cells is also part of body type, inheritance, metabolism as well as lifestyle).

    So ladies, and fella's (yep, the lads come in for this treatment too) - set realistic goals, expect realistic outcomes, chin up, and give yourself a pat on the back, each time you shed a kilo!

    Chrisse Feros,
    Eurobody Clinic Brisbane PH: 07 33494444

    1. Hi
      I'm trying to find a place in the USA that does cavitation. I know the Avita is a 50khz....should I find a place that uses 50 also? All the ones I've called use 40

  20. I came across your video while researching the procedure and gathering information. I had my first session yesterday and I must admit I went in a bit skeptical after watching your video.

    Then I re-assessed the situation post treatment. I'm fit and athletic, I run marathons and seldom eat carbs. I'm not exactly obese, but I'm no waif either. My motivation to get the treatment was to aid in the burning of localised fat that won't go away.

    I wasn't expecting a liposuction like result, I am realistic about what is feasible and what is a load of crap. I work in Marketing, I speak bullshit fluently.

    So when I had a meeting with the beautician, I told her that all I wanted was for the fat to be easier to burn and that I was hoping to achieve that with the treatment.

    Well... I was pleasantly surprised when the lady started working on the area (lower abs - totes love handles) and the machine was rather burning my skin, or so it felt like because it was so hot.

    She told me that first timers usually get the hottest setting on the machine for it literally burns the fat cells. Except my fat wasn't stubborn and was reacting rather well, thus no need to go all the way with the heat.

    So that's the good news, I reacted well to the treatment and my fat isn't difficult to break. Perhaps it is the healthy lifestyle I have, but even after one treatment, I have noticed a significant reduction in the area. I ended up not exercising after the treatment, but I resumed it today - the day after.

    The reason I want to lose the extra fat isn't necessarily aesthetic - sure I want to have a smoother frame - but I need to drop a few kilos in order to run faster and continue improving with my training.

    Anyone looking for an easy fix will be sorely disappointed. There is no trick to slimming down. You eat well and you exercise.

    Treatments like this as well as diet pills - I take fat burner pills - are meant to aid and be done in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

    I hope you find a way towards a slimmer you, on the video it sounds like you're a wee bit depressed... I suggest you seek a counsellor to help you with that.


  21. I've done cavitiation before and it worked greta for me! I eat pretty well but i'm not the greatest about hitting the gym regularly. I usually get a little bumpy on the backs of my legs and that stubborn belly pooch when I take a month of from exercising. About two months ago I was going on a trip and was going to be in a swimsuit and realized there was no way to tighten up in that amount of time. I went in for two treatments and I can tell you my pants fit better and my bumps were gone. It's like those wraps, or going to a salon.. it definitely shapes you up, but you aren't going to lose 50lbs or anything. I lost 3 inches on my waist though!

  22. Dont any of you notice that all of these silly methods eg Fat cavitation all require you to eat healthy and exercise after treatment.
    So you have 10 treatments, with lots of water and say 30 mins exercise afterwards. And then you lose x amount of CM's from waist.
    Its not the actual treatment people its the bit you then do when you get home. EXERCISE and DIET. Thats what does the weightloss.
    But dont take my word for it.
    Try exercising for 30 minutes everyday for 2 weeks, and not just a walk around the block,but intensive hard exercise for 30 minutes. Watch what you eat, and hey presto, same results but without the cost of beauty salon gimics.
    The simple PROVEN method of weightloss - BURN MORE ENERGY THAN YOU CONSUME ... easy

  23. Hi Jennifer: Thank you for your blog. I'm going to try to cavitation for my stomach. NO matter how thin I have been, I've always had a pooch - made worse after a myomectomy where the abdominal muscles were cut to remove a fibroid tumor the size of an American football.

    I do 45 minutes of intense aerobics 6 days a week, along with strength training for days a week and the pooch remains. I'm height and weight proportionate but I'm tried of this bloody pooch, so I'm giving it a try - six sessions. It's relatively new in the States, but now getting a great deal of positive press, including from some well known plastic surgeons who have said positive things about this non-invasive procedure. Thank you again for your blog.

    My online name is Elle and I'm in Richmond, VA, but I'm posting as Anonymous as this is rather personal for me. Thanks again and I wish you the best.

  24. Sorry for the typos - was in a hurry!...Elle

  25. Hi Jennifer, I just wanted to let you know that ultrasonic fat cavitation does work, I've had quite a few sessions and I've lost over 10cm off my stomach on each measurement, I do my own in a way that it's much more accurate then theirs. I lost 13.5cm over 3 measurements on one session alone. What you need to do to get great results is yes to have a good healthy eating and exercise plan in place but that is so you don't eat the fat back on. generally what happens is the buzzing you hear is what gets the fat cells rubbing each other and kinda bursting and then your lymphatic system picks up what it can and sends it to your liver/kidney/small intestine which then uses what it can and sends the rest out through the usual process. I have found it works better if i drink plenty of water the day of a treatment and the day after to help flush out the fat and I don't eat right before a treatment, at least an hour or so before is ok. I have also found that the technique of the operator i use gets the best results, her pics are being used for all these places. Oh, and your belly gets all squishy because the fat is no longer so compacted and is then easier to shift when doing exercise. Like with anything it cannot be used alone, it's a process to help get the results you want a little faster and to also help tighten your skin as you lose the weight. I hope you had a better result on the next lot of sessions as it does work and you get used to the buzzing, lol.

  26. Very helpful review. They're offering a deal on either Groupon or Living Social (I forget which one) here in Atlanta, GA (USA) right now. Your review helped me make the decision not to waste the money. Thanks! MAB

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. In today's modern times, NYC's Trusculpt treatment is preferred by many.

  29. I have had three sessions of fat cavitation so far, havent really noticed a big difference accept my lower stretch marks have tightened and lightened. I'm thin anyway and not a big stomach my main goal is to smooth out my stomach of the fat lumps traditional lyposuction left me with 3 years ago. I have 4 more sessions I'll repost after I'm done.

  30. Hi there, I was really skeptical about this at first, my husband mentioned an acquaintance had a salon near by. My husband is of a medical background and he was a professional fighter in his younger days so he is very much in tune with all the tricks and diets to loose fat and healthy eating. So when he tells me something works I listen... I come from a family that gains weight very easily so i'm always aware/careful of what I eat and have never been over weight. But since I can remember I've had a pot belly and love handles even at my thinnest 55kgs my stubborn areas have never shifted I have since had 2 kids so my stubborn areas have now become a permanent fixture that doesn't shift AT ALL.
    My husband gave it a go first and going by measurements he reduced 3cms on the first time. So I thought brilliant my turn! same salon and therapist and same machine, again going by measurements i reduced only by 1cm however visually no difference.
    Why it didn't work for me? well a few things I think. My husband exercises regularly Cardio and weights, I don't. Any fat on his body would be relatively new mine is old fat and very much stuck and harder to break. he followed instructions given - drinking lots of water before/after, I drank only a cup.
    Given that the results where minimal on me doesn't mean fat cavitation doesn't work, I've seen it work. But the fact is - not one person is the same and there are too many variants to pin point why it works on some better than others. but I completely agree with MamaJellybean, drinking lots of water, technique, also lymphatic massage helps flush the fat out.
    I realised that it was going to take too many sessions to shift my fat and would cost me a lot of money so I opted for liposuction instead and feel very happy with my results, no more love handles!. I'm 3 weeks post lipo and will have a few laser Cavitation with the combination of Radio frequency to assist the tightening of the skin as post lipo care. Hope this helps or at least food for thought.

  31. About a month ago my friend told me about a procedure she underwent, where she had been "hooked up to a machine" that helped her lose a few inches from her abdomen, thighs, and butt. At first, by her description, I assumed she was talking about iLipo treatments (she is originally from PR, so I chalk it up to a slight communication barrier). Since the person who performed the treatment was a good friend of hers, I allowed her set up an appointment for me (I know, crazy) and I just showed up. Well, come to find out, she the treatment she offers isn't iLipo, it was ultrasound cavitation! Needless to say, I was a bit upset at first. However, after much explanation I decided, what the heck!

    I am a mother of three - my oldest will be 14, and my youngest has just turned 2 - and i am 20 pounds over my goal weight, and still have that baby pouch! Before she started, she measured my waist, hips, and thighs. She concentrated mostly on my abdomen, but did spend some time on my obliques, as well as my thighs and glutes. The only uncomfortable part of the procedure I can complain about would be the "ringing" in my ears, and even that was tolerable. The entire process lasted about 1.5 hours. Immediately after, she measured me again, and I lost 1 inch in my hips, .5 in my waist, and .5 in each thigh. Overall, I was very pleased!

    Honestly, I believe the procedure has helped boost my weight loss. Already an active individual, and having only had the procedure 7 days ago, I have already lost 7 pounds in 7 days (diet and exercise). I was advised that I am allowed the procedure once every 5 days, and I definitely plan on returning to her at least once every 2 weeks until I achieve my ultimate goal!

    I wish everyone the best of luck!!! xoxox

  32. In your comments you mention having a second go with 10 ultrasonic fat cavitation sessions. Did you do a follow-up blog post on this?


  33. We are appreciating your post, all information are useful for those who are willing to know about
    Slimming Machine. Thanks for the information.

  34. The Ultrasound Cavitation technique makes use of ultrasound and radio waves to interrupt down fat cells and cellulite without affecting close by organs and cells.Ultrasound Cavitation In Dubai The disrupted fats cells will then technique thru the digestive system clearly.


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